Sunday, September 26, 2010

End of Summer

Mom & Dad took my new little sibling, Rorey, to hike his (that's what I think, anyway) first 14er.

When mom got back she thought I was upset because I still haven't hiked a 14er with them...

"No, Mom," I said, "I'm just sad that summer's almost over..."

...So mom PROMISED me a few more weekends of awesome summer.

The next weekend we got to go to Vail and play in the fountain...

(This was totally awesome until a big kid splashed me and I had to wear my mom's new shirt as a dress around Vail...)

...And I got to crawl on dogs that didn't even bark at me!!!

The next weekend Mom, Dad, Uncle Zach, and Papa took me on a huge bike ride from Keystone to Breckenridge.

I got to see my first real sailboat and kept saying, "BOH!!! BOH!!!"

But most of the time (for the 3 hour duration of the trip) I just said, "Mama. Mama. Mama..." with an occasional,

"Go...go...go mama!!!"

Daddy took me on the swings for our last day in the mountains.

I sure do love summer, but it wears me out!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


You listen to me. I have a VERY important announcement...

Are you ready???

That's right. I'm the BIG brother.