Sunday, April 17, 2011

Something about little girls...

Because I'm a big brother now, there are lots of responsibilities that I'm learning to take on, and I'm not JUST talking about putting on my own shoes...

...There are lots of "big boy" concepts about GIRLS that I'm catching onto as well.

For example, (1) I am learning that girls don't just get a birth-"day"...
They get a birth-"week..."

Emma Rose's birth week started a couple days before she arrived...

Mom & Dad took me to the zoo so that I would feel special on Emma Rose's big day / week...

...And it's been a nonstop party ever since...

Not only have Emma Rose and I celebrated her birth week by seeing ALL my grandparents,

... But Uncle Bill and Aunt Launni,

...Aunt Jackie & Uncle Zach,

...Miss Angela,

...Cool Aunt Jenny,

...Cousin Holden, Uncle Tim,

...Aunty Bryn,

...Uncle Chad, Aunty Becky, and Cousins Caroline, Ansley & Avery have ALL been by to celebrate the birthday week of this little girl!

(2) I've also discovered that baby girls cry from time to time over silly stuff
(like being cold);

...But every time she does, like the big boy that I am, I make this face:

...and I thoughtfully ask, "Baby Cry-nin???"

(3) I've learned that baby girls also come with a great deal of shoes, hats, bows, clothes and other elements of glam:

(Thus I decided to join in and style my own hair so I I could be a diva like Emma Rose...)

(... 'Problem is, I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to lather my hair with Vix Vapor Rub to make it look like this...)

But what I'm learning most of all...(4): how much I love my little sister...

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