Sunday, July 31, 2011

Emma Rose is really really really really 3 months old.

Emma Rose is 3 months old.

She LOVES to laugh (especially at herself).

She's really trying to crawl.

And her favorite position is upright.

She really loves her big cousin, Charlie, who is 5 weeks older than she is.

I think she's a really really pretty girl...
(..and, as I'm beginning to learn that girls are "pretty" and boys are "ham-some," I'm also learning that "girls wear dresses and boys wear shorts."

I love to help mommy take care of her.
(For example, if she starts to fuss, I tell Mommy, "Hey Mommy, baby Emma Rose really really really really crying, Mommy.")

But there are still things that baby Emma Rose can't do like big boys can...

I can run "really really really really really...

...really really really really fast."

And I can crawl into my daddy's lap all by myself.

Baby Emma has to be held to sit in a lap.

But it won't be too long before those chunky thighs are really running too, though.

And 'til then, I'm just really really really happy being her big brother.

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