Friday, December 16, 2011

Naughty or Nice?

As the kids approach 8 months and 2 1/2 years, we got some family pictures taken.

Porter expressed his extreme shyness with "strangers" by avoiding looking at the camera at all costs, just one sign of being 2!

...Though as it is clear to see, he is often mistaken for a 5-year-old!

Both kids are growing so fast, I can hardly believe it!

Porter is finally big enough to play with his manger scene.
(He is fascinated with the cow's trough, and insisted that the animals eat from it, rather than baby Jesus lay in it.)

Emma Rose is pulling herself up and walking around everything,
...proud smiles and screeches the whole time.

We took the kids to see the zoo lights, and they both loved it.

Porter was sure to ask Santa for trains when we met him at the zoo, but he was unsure about this stranger with a beard and red hat.

Emma Rose was just glad to be inside on a warm lap!

We've begun telling Porter, just as my mom told me, that Elves are watching him, and that if he's nice, Santa will bring him something special, but naughty behavior (aka, being a maniac, being "all-boy", or being just plain TWO) might discourage Santa from providing the cooler presents. I don't think it effects him much.

"Bring it, Santa Claus! Oh, and I just yuv you."

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