Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

The kids had such a wonderful Christmas.  It's crazy that the day is here and gone.  We had such a good time with family, and the little traditions we've started will hopefully last for years, and place a special reason to appreciate and love the reason for Christmas: Christ coming to demonstrate His love for us.  Christmas Eve was spent at Nana and Papa's house with all the Leavitt cousins:

Porter spent HOURS playing with his cousins, teaching them how to run the new Christmas train.

Nana and her grandkids watching "What's the Fox Say?"
 Here are all the cousins, waiting patiently to see if Santa visited at Nana's a day early...

Emma Rose found a "Snow White" dress and would not answer to Emma the entire night.  She was Snow White! 

After Christmas Eve service and dinner with cousins, Corey and the kids and I headed home and read Mary's song, where she thanked God for blessing her with the responsibility of being Jesus' mom.  

Then the kids dictated a letter for me to write to Santa.  At the end, Porter made me say thank you for Jesus. (Melt. My. Heart.)  We left a plate of cookies and carrots out for Santa and the reindeer under the stockings.  Very concerned, Porter moved the plate back about 4 feet from the fireplace so that Santa wouldn't accidentally step on them when (and if) he made it out of the fireplace.  (Porter was also pretty worried about Santa figuring out how to open up the glass to the fireplace.)  Emma Rose was just plain worried that the reindeer would put a hole in our roof, and made me promise to tell them to walk only on the floor.  They totally crack me up.

Christmas morning, Porter woke everyone up and made sure we all had our teeth brushed so we could go downstairs and see if Santa came.  I love this picture of them waiting at the top of the stairs for mom to get the camera ready... It reminds me of waiting with my brothers and sister for Papa T to get his camera ready!

Sure enough, Santa came, and to Porter's relief, he didn't bring coal.  The first thing that Porter noticed was that Santa left a bite of a cookie for Porter, which he promptly grabbed and ate.  (He left the reindeers' carrots, however...)

Santa even remembered to bring something for the kitties!!!

For the first time since his birth, Porter actually refused breakfast so that he could open presents.

After opening presents, Porter and Emma Rose each picked out their favorite new outfit and waited impatiently for Grandma and Grandpa to show up with even more presents.

That night we read about Jesus being born in a manger and we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus - Porter wanted to know if he had anymore presents coming from Jesus!  And Emma Rose, happy as usually, sang, Christmas is over! I love these kids, and my awesome husband, who made such a wonderful Christmas happen.  Merry Christmas, everyone!

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