Sunday, May 28, 2017


So much has happened in the last month.  Easter, healing, soccer season, school ending... I feel like I'm treading water to keep up with kids and work and life, but life goes on, and we try our best to capture special moments with the kiddos!

Easter took place the day after Emma Rose's birthday celebration.

The first Easter in the new house, sans landscaping, meant that the Easter Bunny was faced with some challenges in hiding eggs, but we made do!

We spent the afternoon of Easter with the cousins!

I was in recovery-mode in May, and so grateful to all the parents and co-workers at Valor who provided meals while I was healing on crutches.  (The kids were excited about their new food options, too!!!)

As Emma Rose prepared for the final recital to end her season of dance, she began recital season by trying on her new outfits, between soccer games...

Both kids played so well this Spring.  Here's one of the highlight videos from one of Emma Rose's games:

Porter also had an amazing season, where he scored in all but two of his season games.

 And these two continued to love us through the spring...

For Mother's Day, I took my first long (2 mile... it's something!) walk in 6 weeks, after hip surgery.  It was a gorgeous day in Golden, and we had an awesome picnic on the river.

Emma Rose finally lost her first tooth the next week.  So proud (and sad!)

The kids both had field day (though poor Emma Rose had to sit out and color because she was, again, concussed, but Porter had a blast.)  He chose to get a Nike swoosh painted on his face!

Emma Rose and Porter passed their school year with flying colors.  Emma Rose is a reading-machine, and Porter ended up with a 4.25 gpa in his challenging, core-knowledge 2nd grade course.  


We are so sad to say goodbye to Ben Franklin Academy.

Emma Rose's teacher, Mrs. Pitrone, really made Emma Rose excited about learning, but even better, feel loved and secure as she embarked on her first year of all-day, every-day school.

The kids (and I!!!) are nervous to change to Woodrow Wilson Academy next year, but we trust this is the right time for a transition for the kids as Porter will enter 3rd, and Emma Rose 1st grade in our new tromping-grounds.

...And though our work continues in our "old" tromping grounds, we really are excited to live so near to Golden and the mountains.  We had a great Sunday along the river in Golden.

We are so excited to welcome summer!!!

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