Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Back to School

Summer ended all-too-soon, but we made the most of our last few days!

The kids got to enjoy a fantastic day at the lake with cousins Alec, Josh, Charlie, Ava and Owen. 

Porter was in "boy cousin" heaven and talked about how much he loved it for days!

We took the kids on a beautiful hike the weekend before heading back to school/work around the Eldora Mountain area.

... And just like that, summer was done, and Porter started 3rd grade, and Emma Rose, 1st!

They started at their new school, Lincoln Academy, in Arvada.  

While Porter knew his best bud from our new neighborhood would be in his class, and nothing could make him more thrilled, Emma Rose was pretty nervous.

I am so proud of the kids' transition to their new school. Porter says he wishes he could go to school on the weekend, he loves it so much, and Emma Rose made good friends with a girl named "Fisher" on her first day, but a couple days later realized that the girl's actual name is River. She comes home every day with teacher remarks on her good behavior, and with stories of new friends, so my heart is much more at ease.

And this past weekend, transitioning into 1st grade at our church, Emma Rose received her first "big girl" bible from our pastor.  

She was so excited she started reading it during the little ceremony!

While we're all getting back into a routine, we're still enjoying the sunshine and weekends.

This is how the neighborhood boys ended their massive water fight:
Planking contest! The little guy won!

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