Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy 6 months, Emma Rose!

Disclaimer: Dear "everbody," I talk lots and lots, but "it makes me sad" when I can't always come up with something clever to say - I'm better at the funny stuff. So I've decided to hand over the voice-torch to mommy, who knows me and my baby sister Emma pretty well...So for now, "Bye-bye! I wuv you so much." ~ Porter.

I can't believe that 6 months ago, at this moment, I was screaming and silently praying that this little, kicking, puke-making girl would finally get out of me. It wasn't until I was reading Porter his night-time story, and trying not to worry him with my contraction yelps, that I realized it was time to finally head to the hospital to meet my baby girl.

I remember fearing not loving this girl as much as I loved her big brother...

...But I'm absolutely crazy about both of them!

Porter is smart, intuitive, sensitive, and all-2!!! And Emma Rose, my little cuddler, is determined, knows what she wants, and smiles a smile that melts hearts.

Today, at 6 months, she tipped the scale at 17 pounds 11 ounces, and measures 26 1/2 inches. The doctor told us to start feeding her solids.

Thanks to Emma Rose's determination, she was ready to take over and do it herself. That should have come as no surprise to me, as she is already crawling, has cut her first tooth, and spares no scream to let us know that she needs a change of scenery.

Emma Rose, I never knew I could love you as much as I do, but you melt my heart and put a song in my step. I love you and can't wait to know you more and help you on your journey of life. You are a beautiful gift from God.

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