Porter had a blast after the first big snow of the year, and Corey already has him preparing for ski-season.
He's a big fan of snow, just like his dad.
Emma Rose is equally hilarious. She is 100% content if she can sit up and join the fun - even if the "fun" is taking place in the hamper. The little socialite does NOT like to be left by herself.
Both kids enjoyed the pre-holiday fun with grandparents.
We carved pumpkins...
While Porter posed as a fire-fighting truck driver,
Emma Rose simply enjoyed being in the middle of all of the fun.
Porter had insisted on being "Thomas the Tank Engine" for months before Halloween.
We had to coax him with a dum-dum before he'd gladly put on the costume, though.
Thomas hosted our annual Halloween party, which was quite a hit.
All of Porter's favorite friends came: "Ben-ja-ben,"
Lexi & Sophia...
They had too much fun playing together.
Emma Rose had a good time too, and some of her new friends came too!
Baby Hampton (and her big brother Linden)...
...and baby Ryker (and his big sister, Ellery)...
One of the most hilarious parts was watching the kids hit the unbreakable pumpkin pinata.
I'm not sure they understood that it was supposed to actually break open with candy.
But they were all so cute as they'd hit it once or twice, then pass on the bat to share with their friends.
On Halloween, Porter met up with Ellery to go to "Trick-or-Treat Street."
He wore Thomas much more proudly that night, and he ate candy as he got it. We've never seen him so hyper in our lives.
The kids' costumes were a hit all around, and Porter can't wait until it's Halloween again.
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