Sunday, August 5, 2012

End of Summer

What a great summer we've had! I'm so sad that my 2 months home with the kids is coming to an end.  Here are some highlights of our last week of the summer:

The kids went to "Big" Monkey Business and Porter has proven to be a total dare-devil of a boy.

Emma Rose, at 15 months, tries to do EVERYTHING her big brother does, and she is a little dare-devil herself.

The kids love and are loved by our precious Axl & Fiona, and both animals take the loving torture in stride.

Porter has loved waking Emma Rose up from her nap, and filling the crib with the books that he "reads" to her.

Summer has brought plenty of play time with cousins, and even "all boy," Porter will forever love all things girl, thanks to his 3 Leavitt-girl cousins.

The last week of summer, we went to the Zoo, to a local park with a petting zoo, train ride and stream to play in.

When the girls got together for their girls weekend, Porter went on the boys' camping and fishing trip.

It was fun getting all the cousins together.  Emma Rose finally got to play with a buddy her age (Charlie, 16 months), and Porter totally fell in love with his big boy cousin, Alec (almost 5).  Both Alec and Porter had to compete for the attention of Ansley (4), though.

So sad to see the sun set on this season, but the kids are growing, loving life and each other. 
What more could I ask for?

1 comment:

  1. Your babies are adorable! I cannot believe how old P looks in those camping pictures. So cool in his skinny jeans and hoodie :)
