Saturday, February 23, 2013

February Love

This month has been a busy and cold one, but one that has been filled with love!  Porter has been expressing a little bit of sadness over mommy not being able to stay at home with him, so I've been trying to some "special" mommy-son we made special Valentines for all of his preschool friends and cousins that he adores. 

We've had a couple lunch-dates too.  Still, though, he always asks if his daddy and Emma can join him. He's really a sweet little guy.  The other night, Emma Rose wouldn't come down the stairs to run an errand with us, and I told her we'd just have to leave her.  Porter had none of it.  He scolded me, "Mom, Emma Rose is my very best friend and she is coming with us." He really does love his sister.

And Emma LOVES her new big-girl bed.  Who'd have known that her new bed would actually make her stay in bed at night, rather than crawl out of her crib at 3 EVERY morning for the past 2 months.

Porter loves swimming and has been sad that we don't go to the (outdoor) pool daily.  He BEGGED to go swimming...WITH his sister, so I bravely took them both.  You can see it on their faces: they had an absolute blast!

Porter LOVES to dance, and he's been practicing his moves each night ("My grandma taught me this," he says...and other times, he'll say, "We're the dancers...")  This is just one of his famous dances to one of his favorite songs:

Lots to love around here!

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