Sunday, August 5, 2018

Summer + Cousin Time!

The end of summer has meant amazing time spent in the Colorado sun with cousins.  Cousins from Alaska, Colorado, and Illinois!

Dylan and Morgan came down from Juneau with Grandma Sherry.  Emma Rose and Porter were counting down the months, weeks, and days until they got to finally reunite... at Pirate's Cove!

They spent a fun day on the lake...

... followed by 5 days with grandparents at Cheyenne Frontier Days in Wyoming, and then a Rockies game!

Porter and Emma Rose also got a special day with their cousins, Haley and Lily.  
I'm proud of what little leaders and lovers my kiddos have turned out to be.

They also had a blast with my cousins' (Erin and Abby's) and my brothers' kids for a day at the lake...

Ava and Josh

Owen and Charlie

Ansley, Owen, Josh, Avery, Emma Rose, Haley, Caroline, Ava, Josh, and Porter
We had a fun "last of summer" day at the Golden Splash pool before heading to Granby for a "last of summer" vacay...

Granby was beautiful.  We took a gorgeous little hike one afternoon near Devil's Thumb.  Emma Rose practically skipped the whole way, knowing that horses would be the prize at the end of the trail...

Porter stopped to skip rocks along the way...

We went back to Heck's Tavern to roast marshmallows...

We spent another day in Rocky Mountain National Park, viewing gorgeous wildlife and mountains under low, beautiful clouds...

It's been a beautiful summer.  I can't believe it's over.  I'm so grateful for what's transpired over the past 2 months, for the time with my babies, for the sunshine and Colorado "view" that Emma Rose thanks God for each evening in prayer.  Of course I'm sad that it will end, but I'm so grateful for the time to rest, relax, and re-engage with family.

1 comment:

  1. Memories, memories, memories. I think cousins are the best friends!
